Monday, July 2, 2012

Couple Love~

I found this 'quote' on facebook,
One little "hello" can change your whole future(;
Until I met him, I really didn't know what true love meant... I used to think that just showing your affection to each other means that you truly love each other but turns out I was wrong. If I count back, I got at least 3/4 ex-boyfrens... All of them were great in their own ways(: But they weren't true.. Not as in cheating on me that kinda true (okok.. 1 of them larh) but more like they didn't truly love me and I didn't truly love them... But on 16092011, I stead with a guy who I can proudly say that I truly love<3 We were in the same primary school for 6 years and the same class for 3 years. I admit.. I didnt notice him until late P5 becos I never really paid attention.. In my memory he used to look exactly like a typical nerd --> ESPECIALLY THE SPECS! And back then I alr had a so called boy that I liked so I never really paid attention>< (Sorryy Babyy!) I always tot that he was a geek and had a very bad sense of style which wasnt true>< Haha.. So when I actually started to take notice of him, I literally started stalking him in class and online XP He actually turned out to be a very nice guy although he says alot of sick things...
Teeheeeheee^^ Let's skip the whole relationship history part and let me tell you what kinda guy he is to me now(: He is caring, playful, sweet, protective(: Thats just abit of his good points^^ Well... You wanna know how many times we broke?? Welll if I'm rite thn it should be 3/4>< On the second time we broke, we found another girlfren and boyfriend each. He found his first and on the day he broke up with his, I found mine. Well... I broke up with mine after like a week or so cos I realised that I didnt truly love him. And thn we patched back cos we realised that it was impossible to not love each other! I never felt so strong about someone that I can give up my everything for him.... He really changed my life. I never felt so strong a need to be with someone...
Baby, if you're reading this then I want you to know that I love you and will always love you for as long as I live<3

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